Marketing to Millennials | Win the Game of Googleopoly
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Marketing to Millennials

By February 27, 2015 Uncategorized No Comments

Millennials are the children of the baby boomers and range in age from 18-mid 30’s. Marketers are targeting the Millenial age group, for a smart reason. Millennials tend to shop differently then other age groups. Being natives to technology, Millennials usually shop online more than anywhere else. This is allowing marketers to target Millennials in their online campaigns.

80% of Millennials have a smartphone, and 93% have a social media account. 67% of Millennials buy a product online. With these statistics, it is obvious why marketers would focus their campaigns toward online Millennials. This demographic is attracted to ease and convenience. Shopping online is easy click here, but they are also very in touch with how much money they spend. Since Millennials spend most of their days online, they are also aware of the fact that they can easily become victims of fraud, so they use the latest generation platforms for id verification. So if you want to market your product of business to Millennials, your campaign should have focuses strategies that target their behaviors, values, and opinions.

Millennials know when you are trying to sell a product of service online game. It is important for you to provide content that has some sort of emotional, psychological or behavioral benefits to them. Make sure that your product is optimized for social sharing, or you may be left in the dust when it comes to Millennials visit

Remember, Millennials are really in touch with pricing, and their finances. A lot of them are in debt, due to student loans and disposable incomes. Millennials know how to browse in order to find the best prices. The best way to attract Millennials to your product is to offer free shipping. You could raise the price of your product, offer free shipping, and they will think they’re getting the best deal!

In addition to advertising great prices and deals, it is important for you to have everything be mobile friendly. Since Millennials are glued to their phones more than any other demographic, you must make sure that your websites, ad campaigns and more are friendly to the mobile user. Mobile is only going to continue to grow, and the reason it continues to grow is because of the Millennial generation itself.

To recap, you should be creating campaigns that relate to Millennials. Millennials should be able to connect to your campaigns, and show interest in your product. In addition, you should fill your ad campaigns with awesome deals including promotions like free shipping. The Millennial generation is very frugal. And lastly, you should make sure that every marketing tactic you are using is mobile friendly. Here’s just a little bit more information for you as you create your campaign toward Millennials: Millennials hate being called Millennials.

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