Google Algorithm

Google Algorithms

Algorithms are programs within computers that search information to give you the feedback you need. Algorithms rely on over 200 clues to figure out exactly what it is you are looking for. This could include anything from your page rank, how fresh your content is or even the terms on websites. Here are some of Google’s algorithms.


PenguinReleased in April 2012, the primary focus of “Penguin” was to catch sites that were practicing “black hate” search engine optimization tactics (buying links, being part of a link farm, or link generating network) to boost Google rankings. Black hat SEO basically means that you are trying to trick or cheat Google’s rankings to place higher in results. Google does not appreciate cutting corners to acquire higher ranking. “Penguin is the Spam destroyer.”

Panda 4. o

PandaGoogle launched Panda to lessen the amount of spammers. Panda 4.0 came out on May 19, 2014, and previous iterations of the Panda algorithm were released in February 2011, just over a year earlier than the Penguin update. The difference between the two algorithms is that Panda’s focus was on down ranking websites with too much or too little advertising.


HummingbirdNamed because of its precision and speed. Hummingbird was the first algorithm overhaul in nearly 10 years. This update brought forth a greater understanding of keywords and the context behind them. With each algorithm update, comes a smarter search engine. Hummingbird is looking for greater contextual relevancy. Humming bird also looks at each word in a user’s search, then aims to bring forth that contextual search with content that best fits the users search focus. Hummingbird agrees that “Content is king,” and will reward you is your content is extraordinary.